How long can you stay in South Africa without a visa?
Is your South Africa visa has been expired and need some time extension to apply for it, then you have a time of 90 days. South African government grant you 90 days for the renewal of your South Africa visa . If you have a choice applying for Visa before you leave home for arriving in South Africa without extending visa, then you can apply for the renewal from South Africa and you have a 90 days in your hand for this. If you are not able to get visa in these 90 days, then you get deported for your country by the South African government. What visa is needed to manner short term or urgent work? All immigrants who mean to conduct short time or urgent work in the Republic of South Africa, with, but not limited, to service specialists, trainers / teachers and film crews, for a period not beyond three (3) months must hold approval to conduct work in terms of section 11(2), which must be practical for and issued at a South African foreign delegation, before visiting to the Republic of...